Monday, June 24, 2013

North West-Kardashian

I thought the Kardashians had their hands in everything worth having hands in already: music; sports; TV; fashion; sex tapes (ew). 

But then Kim Kardashian had a baby. With Kanye West. And they used the opportunity to officially usurp one of the only cardinal truths the human race has: ordinal direction; and specifically, North West.

I've written on this topic already, but by way of recap I believe the naming of a child should be one of the most sacred responsibilities a parent has. You shouldn't just name your baby with only future brand potential in mind. I'd like to call it a careless mistake but I know Kimye better than anyone. Naming their girl North West was a carefully calculated decision based on definite wide-scale press coverage and projected merch sales. Vom. Is embryonic stress disorder a thing?

Leave it to the Kardashians to just keep getting more ridiculous. And leave it to me to continue watching their shows regardless of how I feel about their [morally regrettable] life choices. 

Also, I heard Kanye's recently dropped 'Yeezus' is forgettable. That's a discussion for another day.

1 comment:

  1. When will you review Yeezus?

    What would you have named the baby?


Play nice.