Monday, January 28, 2013

Destiny's Child

In light of the recent outcry over Beyoncé lip-syncing the Star Spangled Banner during the Obama Inauguration, I just wanted to remind you ingrates about what the queen has done (and can do) for you.

They say music is the most profound form of human expression. Can anybody out there name one life event/situation that cannot be most accurately described with a little less talk and a lot more Destiny's Child? Beyoncé and her crew have been there for us through it all.

I compiled a list of life's victories and struggles and subsequently placed the appropriate D. Child song written to help us get through and/or celebrate these times:

Courtship (of the 'Hard to Get Variety') : Bootylicious

First paycheck from big girl/boy job : Independent Women (Part I)

Break Ups : Survivor

Dealing with that friend that sneakily doesn't put in enough money at group dinners : Bills Bills Bills

Fridays (the expectation) : Jumpin', Jumpin'

Frenemies : Nasty Girl

Loss : Emotion

Society at War : Soldier

From middle school through present day I have been a devout follower of the spoken word and lyrical teachings of Destiny's Child and ipso facto Beyoncé. I know honesty is the best policy when speaking on religion and faith, so I will admit I've mostly fallen out of touch with Kelly and Michelle (was I ever in touch with Michelle? was anyone ever in touch with Michelle??). 

Regardless, neither of those 2 (or the 4th Child who shall remain nameless) spoke to my soul in quite the same way as Beyoncé has always been able to. When reacting to tribulations and triumphs alike I always asked myself WWBD--"What Would Beyoncé Do?" By way of consequence I have mostly managed to handle life's happenings with style, grace and just a sprinkle of booty-poppin'.

I'm not suggesting you go as far as to break ground on a new Beyoncé shrine in your closet--but all I'm saying is each night I kneel beside my bed and ask Beyoncé to watch over me and guide me during every stage of my decision-making processes; and I never make the wrong choices. 

Be grateful for what she's done for you; and more importantly what she will CONTINUE to do for you despite your gross lack of respect. Beyoncé loves us all even when we are too selfish/mortal to appreciate it.

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